Northwest Underground rock 1980 'til the End of Time


Green Monkey Records Web Page Is Now Mothballed!

Hello lovers of the Monkey!

Tom Dyer After thoughtful consideration, Howie and I have decided it is time to mothball the GMR website.

I have creative things I would rather do than maintain this website, which has sort of been the hub to feed all the other web stuff. Rather than feed them, we will make those web locations primary.

We have upgraded our GMR bandcamp site to be a label site rather than a single musician site with tons of artists shoe-horned in together. It will be a lot easier to find the GMR artists, who will now all have their own bandcamp page as well as being included the GMR bandcamp site. (Note: Jeff Kelly decided he wanted to keep his St. Brigid Recordings separate, so going forward there will be some Green Pajamas releases available on the Green Monkey site and some available on the St. Brigid site – you can find them by simply searching bandcamp.)

Green Monkey Records’ Facebook page will be our primary social media info drop-off spot, though we will continue to post on other social media as the mood strikes us. And of course we will continue to send out the monthly (more or less) email newsletter.

So why are we maintaining all the old stuff on the mothballed GMR site? Simple, number one, it is PNW history. In addition to all the GMR music we have released since 2009, there have been 50 AotMs (Album of the Month) of other PNW artists who we featured in months where we did not have a release – Howie and I wrote about why these albums were so great. Most, but not all, were old and crusty; all are worthy of your attention. We want to maintain these pages existence.

We are planning to maintain and update the GMR Artist pages, which serve as their Electronic Press Kit, until such time as we come up with something better.

That’s it in a nutshell. We look forward to your continued support!

Links: Green Monkey Records Bandcamp:

Green Monkey Records Facebook:

Green Monkey Pals Facebook:

Green Monkey Records YouTube:

Green Monkey Records Instagram:

Green Monkey Records TikTok: Look for GreenMonkeyTom

St. Brigid Records Bandcamp:


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