Northwest Underground rock 1980 'til the End of Time


Jan. 2020: Joe Cason & Bob Hart – Notes From Sea Level

Hi Kids –

Joe & BobWell the geese are officially fat, so let’s get on with it shall we?

For January we are releasing a gem by Joe Cason & Bob Hart, Notes from Sea Level. Now you know that Joe is a key member of the True Olympians, but he is a long time Olympia musician (hear my rambling and historic radio interview with Joe here) (Short article on Joe and the album here) (another historic Joe article here), living the mostly pre-Evergreen, K Records, Kill Rock Stars and all that stuff scene. His best known band was the long-running No Toy Boys, trippy styled Grateful Dead mongers who were most popular locally in their heyday.

Joe & Bob againAbout a year ago, Joe gave me a copy of his “funeral music” album that he recorded with long-time bandmate Bob Hart. I can safely (and cheerfully) tell you there is not one peppy upbeat song on the whole album (as you can hear this moment). What we have here is here is eleven soulfully-well-executed compositions from a man reflecting on his existence. Hail thou Homo Sapien! They are not really sad, they are not desperate, but there is a yearning aloneness to them.  Joe made a few discs for friends and let this wander off into obscurity. Well say I, rise again Brother Joe! Your obscurity is incomplete.  Joe is now entering the pantheon of GMR superstars and will be heard worldwide.  From Bandcamp, from Spotify, from Amazon, from Apple, let Joe Cason stream!

Just to keep you on track, please be informed that we will have a second release this month, the fabulous Zelda Starfire. I believe this will be an EP involving pickup trucks. So exciting!

There are oodles of things brewing for 2020. Stay tuned.


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