Well, the election is certainly over. Now what you may be asking?
I would suggest that you consider coming to terms with the new Burnseer album. It is concise – ten songs. It is unsubtle – leave that for others. It is melodic. Shockingly. It is Northwest. Dense. And you have two great chances. You can click the play button right now and start digging it while you read your favorite dime novel. Even better, you can come to their record release show Saturday, November 12th, at High Dive in Fremont and hear the actual rock LIVE plus buy their CD a week before it even comes out. As an added bonus feature, it is above a 51% chance that the most excellent Mr. Kurt Bloch of the Fastbacks/Young Fresh Fellows will appear and recreate each and every note that he added to their album.
If none of that works – just do the regular thing and wait until the official release date November 18 and go buy it at your local store, iTunes and Amazon or buy it direct from Green Monkey. Easy Peasy.
Hey just a sec Dyer you may be thinking – don’t know boo ‘bout Burnseer – who dat? Ah yes, that!

Burnseer is an American rock band based in the Pacific Northwest. Burnseer is Frankie G, – guitar and singing – formerly of Rocket Surgery with Jack Endino, Norman Scott on the drums (Skin Yard, Gruntruck, Capping Day) and bassist Eric Norberg.
Burnseer is a band that has mass and density. It is Dinosaur Jr vs. The Ramones for 15 rounds. What you may not expect is the NYC pop sensibility that Frankie brings to the band. It is as if PJ Harvey and Patti Smith had a love child. In addition to the core band, the mighty Fastbacks guitarist Kurt Bloch provided additional notes to several songs. Good notes!
Burnseer (the album) was recorded by Mr. Conrad Uno (Mudhoney, PUSA, millions more) at Egg Studios and subsequently mastered by Mr. Bloch.
There you go. It is definitely worth mentioning that they (Burnseer) pound their rock pretty hard.
What else is new? Well, around Dec 1 we will have yet another Xmas album for your holiday enjoyment. We are three weeks out and I’m not even sure who’s on it – so exciting! There will be some of the usual suspects plus some brand new folks – always fun!
Nov 2016
2. Waiting (Frankie)
3. Lullaby (Frankie)
4. If (Frankie)
5. Corner (Frankie)
6. Burnseer (Scott)
7. California (Frankie)
8. Wishing Well (Frankie)
9. FUMF (Scott)
10. Haunted (Frankie)
Music is a world where everyone belongs. There is no right, no wrong, and there are no walls. There are no suicide bombers and there are no colors.
In the world of music you feel, you move, you make memories.
You like or don’t like. You sing, you listen, and then turn off.
The world of music… where notes together exist to create a sound — a sound that is noticed because of the space.
The world of music is ever expanding, ever giving, and can’t be destroyed.
I live in this world and I invite you to join me.
Eric Norberg: bass
Norman Scott: drums
Frankie G: Guitar – vocals
Special Guest, Kurt Bloch: Guitar
Recorded & mixed: Conrad Uno, Egg Studios
Mastered: Kurt Bloch
Photography: Jonas Seaman
Thanks: Jeff Brown, Ed & Mateo Grausam, Susanne Rockwell, Tyler & Killian Ingram.
©2016 90th X Dibble Music & ©2016 Half the World Publishing. All Rights Reserved.
Burnseer on Facebook