Northwest Underground rock 1980 'til the End of Time


Nov. 2019: Kline’s 57 – Joaquin Wounded


Kline's 57It is November 15th a mere two weeks before our annual and usual (or unusual) Xmas holiday album. Nearly Ho Ho. But wait, says he! Soft, I hear another sound on the horizon. A sound until now unheard. It is the sound of Kline’s 57’s new album Joauquin Wounded, the latest combo from the ever prolific Joey Kline, leading a revolving cast of Seattle musicians, including in this case the delightful Wanz of “Thrift Shop” fame. For those of you of the historical bent, you will recall GM010 in 1985 was Joey’s band Prudence Dredge first single, followed the Big Ellen album. Since then Joey has been a prolific man recording with Roy Loney, The Plaintiffs and of course The Squirrels. In August 2016, GMR featured Joey’s delightful Forever Blowing Bubbles as album of the month! Recently Joey inquired as to if GMR would be willing to help his latest concept reach the masses and we said of course (of course).

Joey runs his groovin’ circus with a rocking core band and a passel of lead singers. Rick Levin, Eugene Weekly sez: “Veteran singer/songwriter Joey Kline pulls yet another rabbit out of his hat with Joauquin Wounded, a new solo effort that registers as the strangest — and somehow most affecting and accessible — album in the decades-long career of this prolific Northwest musician.” Agree!

Kline's 57Joey is going public. November 17,  there’s gonna be a two hour Joaquin Wounded Listening Party at Baja Bistro, 2414 Beacon Ave S, Seattle – come on down! December 21, the band will play a record release show w/Nurse Ratchett & Ezrael Sarmiento at the Parliament Tavern in West Seattle  4210 SW Admiral Way. I think you want to get in on this action!

Richard News

On the Richard Peterson front, first let me say Richard’s piano show at Tipsy Piano Bar in Olympia was a rousing and inspirational success. RP wants to play more piano shows so if you got some connections, drop a line and we can move that forward. He has an upcoming show booked at Vito’s in Seattle (927 9th Ave, Seattle) and a follow-up at Tipsy’s. Last month, I announced the plan to get Mr. Peterson’s entire catalog on-line. I have taken the first steps – there are now five Peterson albums available on our GMR bandcamp site and I have purchased LP copies of his first two albums which I will be digitizing. If you want to expand your knowledge of the universe, start here: Love On The Golf CourseThe William Loose Songbook, Richard’s Ungreatest Hits,  and The Religious Album.  I have scanned and posted the complete cover for each so you can glory in Richard’s detailed liner notes. And  fer crissakes – get all your friends and family the perfect Xmas gift – The Richard Peterson Orchestra – Seven!

Coming Soon

The miraculous Brain Wizard sez he is going to sneak something out in the next couple weeks, possibly with a little Santa Sauce on it. Keep your ears pealed.

More Shows

Jeff Kelly 2019In the live performance corner, Jeff Kelly will be doing his first post-Pajamas show with his new band, The Cats of Cadiz, at Tim’s Tavern 602 N 105th St, Seattle Saturday Nov 23 at 6:00pm. The will be playing mostly selections from this year’s solo album Beneath the Stars, Above The River and it’s free. I’ll be there!

True OlympiansThe True Olympians and I will be making our Seattle debut a week later at Conner Byrne, 5140 Ballard Ave NW, Seattle, for the release on the latest Ball of Wax Quarterly. It is a holiday special and we will be playing  all four of our Christmas songs, plus other favorites. We will start at 9:00 sharp so you don’t have to stay up late to rock. We are only playing a half hour or so, so don’t be late. Also on the bill, The Julia Francis Band, Sam Russell & the Harbor Rats and The Foghorns.

I think this is everything you need to know (for now).

td Nov 2019

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