Northwest Underground rock 1980 'til the End of Time


Jan. 2021: Richard Peterson – All the rest

Richard Peterson Orchestra Seven

Breath deep.

The worst parts are wrapping up. So let’s get it rolling.

On October 14, 2019, we released Richard Peterson’s 7th album, which is titled Seven. We were given this trust after RP’s previous label, Popllama, went into retirement. We realized at that time that most of Richard’s catalog was out of print and unavailable. The World deserves better, so we went about re-releasing his catalog digitally, starting with the CDs which were easy to convert and remaster. For his third album, Love on the Golf Course, we were loaned a copy by one of his devoted fans. We made sure that as we created the Bandcamp releases we scanned every bit of the cover and disc so you could get the whole darn RP experience. His liner notes are always extensive and remarkable.

Richard Peterson - Want To be In The StatesWhat remained was his vinyl releases. Those are now in the cooking bag as well. The re-release of his original single on Kearney Barton’s Topaz label (TS-1334) from 1976 (“Want To Be In The States” b/w “Let’s Take A Trip To Spokane”) was taken from the vinyl 45 and mastered. The download is fairly noisy, but historical. If the master tape still exists, it is at the UW, where they have the giant pile of  K.B. masters archived. I have perused their listings, but so far in vain.

Richard Peterson's First AlbumHowever, the master tapes for his first two albums were located by Peter Barnes this year and and have been baked, digitized and mastered for you and are now available online for the first time, including scanned covers, discs, etc. At this time you many obtain the entire Richard Peterson catalog at Music | Green Monkey Records ( For these releases, as with all other RP releases, all sales go to Richard. We keep nothing. So buy some. God knows Richard can use your support. He has made most of his dough performing and that went away in 2020. So be a patron and enjoy the uniquely Northwest experience that is Richard Peterson.

The Green Pajamas - Ten White Stones 2020Also, don’t forget – there are super Limited quantities available of The Green Pajamas – Ten White Stones (Remaster) LP and Jeff Kelly – When the World Was Younger LP. Want ’em? Don’t dawdle.

Ten White Stones (Remaster) | The Green Pajamas | Green Monkey Records (
When The World Was Younger | Jeff Kelly | Green Monkey Records (

In 2020 we released 12 albums and a few singles, in 2019 10 albums plus a dozen or so Green Pajamas digital re-issues and five Richard Peterson re-issues. I expect 2021 to be a bit less frenzied. Steve Turnidge is currently remastering our reissue of Jon Strongbow’s 1989 Something Different, a follow-up to the stunning Alien City album we released this year. I know of about 6 things in the que at this point and I am probably good with that.  Time to spend more time on making my own beautiful racket.

Carry on.

td Jan 1, 2021

Free Form Northwest Top 15ps. Tune in to my FreeForm NW radio show every Wednesday at 1:00pm – KAOS 89.3 FM Olympia or stream it at I also make it available to stream for two weeks after broadcast on Soundcloud.

This week’s show featured our fifteen top favorites of 2020.

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